Fertilización | Teddys
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Hacer que su césped sea más verde

Nutrición para un césped fuerte y sano.

Nuestras citas de servicio de fertilización programadas regularmente aseguran el crecimiento exitoso y la salud óptima de su césped al proporcionarle los nutrientes que necesita para crecer colorido y exuberante mientras previene el crecimiento de malas hierbas de hoja ancha y garranchuelo no deseados.

Invest in Quality Service and Craftsmanship With Landscaping Companies Near Me in the Farm

Lawn Care Package Options

Choose one of our three lawn care package options or have a custom plan created that’s unique to your property needs.

Certified Expert Lawn Care

Our state-certified lawn care technicians will analyze your lawn to determine the proper treatment. Using liquid and granular premium products, we will apply a series of fertilizer treatments throughout the growing season, including pre- and post-emergent weed control, to keep your lawn looking beautiful.

We Go the Extra Mile

With nearly 30 years in business, you can depend on us for reliable service and a healthy lawn. As we re-evaluate your grass during our visits, we can offer proactive solutions to keep your lawn looking its best.

Top Quality Fertilization Farmington Hills, Livonia, Novi, Canton MI - Fertilization Green Oak Township, Beverly Hills

Clientes satisfechos

"Teddy's es confiable, hace un gran trabajo y entrega a tiempo y a un precio justo".

Nan W. a través de LinkedIn
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