How to Integrate Irrigation & Fertilization in Lawn Care to Keep Your Lawn Green in Orchard Lake, MI

Lawn Green in Orchard Lake, MI

There are many reasons why irrigation and fertilization both belong in your lawn care program at your Orchard Lake & Bloomfield Hills, MI, home. As irrigation and fertilization are integrated into your lawn care routine, best practices will be followed for both the sake of your lawn’s health and the overall state of the environment.

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Best Practices for Lawn Irrigation

A convenient and efficient way to keep up with your lawn hydration needs is to have a lawn irrigation system installed. Smart irrigation systems make it possible for lawn watering to be automated and allow you to control it on your smartphone from any location. These systems take the guesswork out of lawn irrigation, such as the ideal times of day to water your lawn, how much water is needed, and when watering is needed.

Water Only When Needed

Some people have the tendency to overwater their lawns, which can lead to the loss of nutrients in the soil to the detriment of the health of the grass. There are multiple factors to consider when it comes to determining when a lawn needs to be watered. Different types of grass have different moisture requirements, the type of soil can vary, and weather plays a big role. Smart irrigation systems monitor the weather, the condition of the soil, and other factors that will influence the watering schedule based on real-time conditions at your particular location.

Using only the Necessary Amount of Water

While most lawns need one to 1.5 inches of water per week, that can be difficult to measure. A smart irrigation system handles the determination of how much water your lawn needs by using its sensing features. These systems are especially adept at preventing over-watering or under-watering.

Watering at the Ideal Times

Generally, it is recommended that lawns are watered in the morning before 10 a.m. or in the evening between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m. The temperature tends to be lower at these times of day and there is usually less wind. This allows for the full absorption of water into the grass roots, rather than evaporating due to high temperatures or windy conditions.

Best Practices for Lawn Fertilization

Lawn care experts are highly trained in lawn fertilization, so your best bet at proper lawn care is to hire a lawn care company to take care of these needs for you. They can take a look at your lawn and know exactly what nutrients it requires, how much is needed, when it should be applied, and how to apply fertilizer in an environmentally responsible manner.

Fertilizing with the Right Nutrients

Using too much of a particular nutrient and using too little of a particular nutrient can cause your grass to die. The three top nutrients grass needs are phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. However, sometimes other micronutrients like iron, copper, or zinc are needed. A visual inspection of the grass or a quick sample of the soil can determine what is needed.

Fertilizing on Schedule

In Michigan, it’s important to have your lawn fertilized in the spring and fall. Sometimes additional nutrients are required during the hot summer months, but not as much. However, fertilization is also essential in weed prevention, and when a lawn care professional fertilizes your lawn, they can also take care of weed prevention on a consistent schedule.

Responsible Fertilization Methods

When fertilizer is not used properly, it can pose environmental problems. Ideally fertilizer stays on the lawn itself and is not washed out into the streets, or worse yet into rivers, streams, or ponds. When there are too many nutrients in the water, it can lead to weed growth and algae blooms, which can cause health issues.

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